Education Background![图片 29.png](/upload/P6adbb2151b7c438e95b5fcee30da80c7.png)
2016.09 - 2019.05, Shenzhen University, Optical Engineering, PhD
2013.01-2015.6, Sarhad University of Sci. & Info. Tech., Electrical Engineering (Communication), Peshawar
2008.11-2012.12, Sarhad University of Sci. & Info. Tech., Electrical Engineering (Communication), Peshawar
Working Experience
2023.04 – Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
2021.11 - 2023.03, Researcher, Center for Advanced Studies in Energy, Peshawar
2019.10 - 2021.10, Visiting Postdoctoral Research Fellow, National University of Singapore
2019.07 - 2021.07, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Shenzhen University, China
Naseer Muhammad, Male, PhD, working as a postdoc in Prof. Huang’s group. His research direction is bound-states in the continuum in transition metal dichalcogenides based and dielectric metasurfaces. He has published 12 articles as a first author in different SCI journals including Light: Science & Applications, Nano Letters, Optics Letters, and Material Sci. & Engg. B, etc.